Medicare Rebates for Psychologists.
A Mental Health Care Plan from a GP gives you access to Medicare Rebates for up to 10 sessions per calendar year with a psychologist or clinical psychologist.
Medicare Rebates for Psychiatrists.
A referral from a GP allows Medicare rebates for Psychiatry.
Social Work
Frequently Asked Questions.
We aim to keep our high-quality mental health treatment as accessible as possible but we do charge a gap for psychology sessions under the Better Access to Mental Health Initiative and Enhanced Primary Care Medicare items. Please note: this not does include our agreements with health funds and other arrangements for hospital substitution programs.
We are always open to looking at different funding streams (including NDIS).
A Mental Health Treatment Plan gives you access to sessions at a reduced cost (partially paid by Medicare) each calendar year (1st Jan - 31st Dec).
Your GP or Psychiatrist can provide you with a Mental Health Treatment plan (referral) which allows you to claim a set rebate for 6-10 sessions with a Psychologist or Clinical Psychologist each calendar year. Additional sessions will need to be discussed with your GP.
Note that you will still be required to pay the full fee at the time of the appointment and Clarity will automatically process your rebate on your behalf (Medicare deposit the rebate amount back into your bank account within 24hrs).
You can see any Mental Health Professional at Clarity without a Mental Health Treatment Plan if you are a Private client (full-fee paying).
For more information on this, please visit: https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/better-access-initiative
No, psychiatry appointments are not included in a Mental Health Treatment Plan.
For Medicare clients, a separate referral is required from your GP to see a Psychiatrist and receive a Medicare Rebate. These referrals are usually valid up to 12 months (unlimited sessions within that period).
You can access a Psychiatrist without a referral from your GP if you are a Private client (full-fee paying). -
We are not a bulk billing clinic.
If you are referred to Clarity by your GP with a valid Mental Health Treatment Plan or Psychiatry Referral, you are required to pay the full fee and the Medicare rebate will be automatically processed (and in your account within 24hrs).
Our senior clinicians will review all new referrals and allocate you to an appropriate clinician, however, if you do have a preference, we can arrange an appointment.
Cancelling or rescheduling of appointments will be accepted without a penalty, if there is at least 48 hours notice (prior to the appointment).
Cancelling an appointment between 24-48 hours notice will incur a $100 cancellation fee.
Cancelling or rescheduling appointments with less than 24 business hours notice (prior to your appointment time) will incur a full consultation fee (no rebate is issued for cancellation fees).
Not attending your appointment without prior notification will also incur a full consultation fee.
The credit card details that client’s will be asked to provide as part of this registration process will be used to settle this cancellation fee. If clients do not wish to provide their credit card details, client’s will be contacted by the admin team.
CHC will not schedule upcoming appointments without the payment of outstanding cancellation fees.
If you become unwell and are unable to attend your appointment in the clinic, we can offer you a telehealth appointment.
Please be mindful that cancelling your appointment without sufficient notice will result in a gap in the clinician’s schedule that could have been used for another client.
Clarity will send out an appointment reminder via SMS (3 days prior) and an Email (5 days prior).
It's important to keep in mind that if you need to cancel an appointment, we kindly request a minimum of 48 hours' notice (2 business day) so we can give another person an opportunity to use this appointment time.
Clarity requires payment on the day or prior to the day of your appointment. We do not liaise directly with third parties, NDIS, TAC or Workcover. If a third party is paying for your appointment, we can provide a payment receipt allowing you to claim with the third party directly.